Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Our family left for a long 4th of July weekend last Thursday. For over 20 years we have packed up and gone to Lake Louise. I guess you could say that this is one of our most cherished traditions and just because I am currently infected with a bad case of garden fever, there was no way I was going to miss it! It was hard to bid goodbye to my garden for four days, but with four darling grandchildren bidding me to come play at the cabin and lake, it wasn't much of a sacrifice.
The weather at Lake Louise was hot and sunny and when I got home Sunday evening, it was obvious that it had been the same here!

Everything in the gardens had grown like it was on steroids! I spent about three hours Sunday evening watering a little here and there, but mostly just marveling at the growth in the garden! There were some sweet surprises! Peeking at me on the hillside garden were snowy heads of cauliflower! Where did they come from? They weren't due for at least another week! The large onions were bulbing up enough to make an appearance at this week's markets and flat pods of peas are promising to fill out in time for next week's. The biggest treat of all was finding corn silks in the corn patch--a promise that this year will indeed be a corn year!

Leaving the garden for a few days makes me reallize how quickly things can grow with 22 hours of daylight! Do I love gardening in Alaska or what?

1 comment:

  1. while I really not fond of the volcano's, redoubt has worked it's magic this year.
    thanks and the fact that we have had sun this summer, also makes the difference.
    I shop allot of the markets in the season, and everyone is such a treasure, never knowing what treats I will find.
    I just made a soup and was able to use some of the stuff that I have gotten in the last weeks of market shopping. I had to supplement it with store stuff.
    it was still wonderful!
    due large in part to you and your families, and friends that do such hard rewarding work.
    With the love put into growing it and the love I put into cooking it, those I fed haven't stopped raving.
    I makes me feel good to know that I am helping to feed them healthy, and support our local growers.
    one more small thing...
    I got a small broken basil plant 10 or so days ago at the market, a whole flat of them fell on the ground, and pretty much did them in. I still bought one. he is still alive, his name is Methuselah, Methy for short. he is doing so well.
    I usually have a black thumb...
    gardening is something that scares me, and I have never been really good at it.
    but in my own time and a broken plant that they weren't gonna do anything with, and was going to die anyway. I will have a good harvest here in about a week.
    I really look forward to reading your blog!
    thanks so much Adorabibble
