Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Jungle is Taking Over!

Only eight more days until I get to move out of the house! I can't wait! April 1st is the day I set for moving into the greenhouse. That means that the sixty some flats of seedlings in the grow shelves and spread on tables in front of the windows and I get to move into the sunshine! Of course, I will still sleep in the house, and take my meal here and unless I get a maid and cook I will have to spend some time on those mundane chores, but every other waking moment will be spent in the greenhouse and yard! I can't wait and what's more, my plants can't wait!

Every year I promise I will not have too many plants started before I get to the greenhouse and this year once again I have not been able to keep that promise. My petunias need more room, my tomatoes are stretching for the light and the snap dragons want their own space. But it's all good. Soon we will move to the greenhouse and we will have our space, at least until the middle of May when the greenhouses will be bursting at the seams and we will wait for Memorial Day to burst into the garden and flower beds.

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